So you distinguish fakes of originals If you buy new, then think that so many sellers want to turn you replicas of big brands for a lot of money, which are not even 1/8 of it value. So pay attention to the small details separating the forgeries of originals. Here comes this guide into the game, let him and do not let you rummage.
Buckles, buttons and zippers:
Give the little details, such as buckles, buttons etc. attention. Because their quality is rare in a counterfeiting. Apart from this, the originals have a number or a sign which they identify as originals.
Famous brands do not use unprocessed leather. Items with leather edges should not be greasy or unpleasant. They must hold their shape in any position, even if they are soft and flexible.
Brand name:
Many do not pay attention to the name, since they only look at the object. But in the case of counterfeits, the names are often somewhat different. Write error, wrong font size or color or ... Something is different in falsifications different from original. Pay attention to the names.
Serial number:
It is one of the most important things to check the authenticity. Labels have numbers you can not remove - without damaging the item. Fakes have this number somewhere on the surface.
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