20 Of The Weirdest And Creepiest Things For Sale On Etsy
I've always had fun browsing through Etsy looking at all of the cool handmade trinkets.
When you're in the market for unique gifts, beautiful jewelry, or cute wedding favors, Etsy is definitely the place to visit. But if you thought that it was limited to relatively innocent items, you couldn't be more wrong.
Like many places on the internet, there is definitely a darker side to Etsy. I'll just say that you're in for quite a shock when you check out some of the strange and creepy things it has to offer.
Nothing says classy like a human flesh bottle.
I bet this severed tongue necklace goes with everything!
I'm not sure why anyone would want a rubber fetus, but hey, I'm not judging.
I have no idea what this thing is, but it's completely terrifying.
If you're wondering what you should wear for Halloween, why not try on this lovely mask?
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