This is Karishma Walia. She’s originally from Bengaluru, and currently works in Gurgaon as an analyst.
She was recently in talks to get into an arranged marriage with a guy from a well-to-do family in New Delhi.
However, after the guy said Lucy – Walia’s dog – would be a problem, she swiftly told him that the marriage was most definitely off.
“My mom thought he’s an excellent match because he’s good-looking and well-off,” Walia told BuzzFeed. “There was a lot of family pressure, and they still think I did the wrong thing by raising the concern about my dog.”
Walia also stated that the guy is still trying to get her to reconsider.
“He would say things like ‘family should be a priority and not career’,” Walia said. “I gave up when he commented about my dog. I don’t know why my family still thinks he’s an eligible bachelor.”
“I have been talking to him for over a week now. I spoke to him couple of times more, and he pissed me off with the way he was enforcing his decisions on me.”
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